Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Some remarks on the solutions to the functional equation I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y)) for D-operations" [Publicació online], Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Theory and Methods (Communications in Computer and Information Science). Alemanya, 2010. Acta de congrés.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Discrete t-norms in a Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology: Algebraic Properties and Experimental Results." [Publicació online], IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE). Espanya, 2010. Acta de congrés.
Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Sobre Implicaciones borrosas basadas en uninormas que verifican la ecuación I(x,y) = I(x,I(x,y))", Actas del III Simposio sobre LFSC 2010 (CEDI2010). Espanya, 2010. Acta de congrés.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Massanet, S.; Torrens, J.. , "Operadores Apertura y cierre en la morfología matemática derivada de t-normas discretas. Transformaciones de Top-Hat y filtros básicos.", Actas del III Simposio sobre LFSC 2010 (CEDI2010). Espanya, 2010. Acta de congrés.
Aguiló, I.; Suñer, J.; Torrens, J.. , "Dual representable aggregation functions and their derived S-implications.", Lecture Notes in Computer Science. LNAI 6178,. Alemanya, 2010. Article.
González-Hidalgo, M.; Jaume Capó, A.; Mir, A. and Nicolau-Bestard, G.. , "Analytical Simulation of Non-planar B-Spline Surfaces Deformation", Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects. Diversos Països, 2010. Capítol de llibre.